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The number seven is the fourth prime number as also a Mersenne prime, the first Woodall prime, the fourth factorial prime, the second lucky, and the second safe prime. 1 divided by 7 gives 0. 14285714285714292 divided by 7 gives 0. 28571428571428573 divided by 7 gives 0. 4285714285714286Thus, we see an interesting pattern of 142857 in all the divisions. Dig a little deeper to find exactly how the series repeats and tell us what you found.
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Below; Vihuela de mano, Valencia Spain, c. 1500. I believe this instrument had a single cut. Below; Vihuela de mano, Sardinian school, c. 1500, smooth curved indented waist and perhaps single stung as well, see the blow up following. Above I said that most vihuelas and guitars of the mid 1400s are thought to have had only four courses of strings and were tuned either in all 4ths, or as 4th 3rd 4th lute kernel. Some five coursers were appearing as well. Five course bowl back lutes had already been around for quite a while and perhaps even six and most definitely they were in Spain being Moorish influenced since 8th century. Take a look at the instruments seen in the circa 1250 AD Cantigas illuminations alone. Near the end of the 1400s, in Spain, you have a jump in the number of courses found on vihuelas and violas, from 4 and 5, to 6, and even 7 course instruments. These would appear to be newly designed hopeful substitutes or replacements for the 5, and 6 course bowl backed lutes, the same lutes that had already spread all around Europe and the British Isles, and the same lutes for which a large body of music and song had already been composed.
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Cohn. But it has alienated some Uber executives, employees and advisers. Mr. Kalanick, with salt and pepper hair, a fast paced walk and an iPhone practically embedded in his hand, is described by friends as more at ease with data and numbers some consider him a math savant than with people. Uber is grappling with the fallout. For the last few months, the company has been reeling from allegations of a machismo fueled workplace where managers routinely overstepped verbally, physically and sometimes sexually with employees. Mr. Kalanick compounded that image by engaging in a shouting match with an Uber driver in February, an incident recorded by the driver and then leaked online. Mr. Kalanick now has a private driver. The damage has been extensive.
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You just used a series of questions to get your prospect to tell you what they wanted. You didn't have to sell anything: they sold themselves. You helped them get what they wanted. Isn't that what you'd prefer to be doing?Obviously, the questions you use to "sell" are going to be unique to the products and services you provide. Remember that when people come to you, they are hungry for a solution. The questions you ask can help them define exactly what they need and, more importantly, what they want. Then you can take their order. Imagine you're a financial advisor and you're having an initial conversation with a prospect. You could launch into an explanation of your services and the seven ways you help clients grow assets using a strategic mix of stocks, bonds, currency and commodities. If you did this you'd be likely to miss connecting with them. Or you could ask them a couple of questions to identify what they want.